3B Birthing Simulator PRO
The 3B Scientific® Birthing Simulator P90 PRO has been developed for the skill training in normal deliveries, in complicated deliveries and in obstetric emergencies. Obstetric simulation has proven successful to enhance the training of delivery skills, following of protocols and reaction in emergency situation.
Assessment and manipulation of fetal positions:
Birthing complications are in general less likely when an abnormal fetal position or presentation can be detected before the labor process starts. Using obstetric simulation, trainees will learn how to detect abnormal positions and presentations, and how to use manual techniques to assist the birthing process. Training of manual birthing maneuvers (like Leopold, or Pinard’s) must be trained so that correct measures are applied during complicated deliveries. Furthermore, the trainee will learn when to apply obstetric emergency interventions (like a cesarean section).
3B Catheterization Trainer Simulator PRO version, Male
3B Catheterization Trainer Simulator PRO version, Male
The P93 PRO male catheterization trainer can be used to realistically demonstrate, practice and evaluate male bladder catheterizations either via the urethra (transurethral) or the abdominal wall (suprapubic). The genital inserts are placed into the anatomically correct lower abdominal model and held in place with magnets. The material is soft and flexible: the foreskin is movable and the penis can be stretched. This way the student can practice all the necessary gestures for catheterization (e.g. disinfection). The material gives a realistic feeling when inserting and removing the catheter into the bladder with realistic resistance and insertion depths.Adam Rouilly Digital Eye Examination – Retinopathy Trainer
Adam Rouilly Digital Eye Examination - Retinopathy Trainer
Adam Rouilly’s already successful AR303 Eye Retinopathy Trainer has been completely redesigned to use the latest in high resolution digital screen technology - enhancing realism and the training experience. Our new AR403 DIGITAL EYE RETINOPATHY TRAINER includes 36 diabetic, common and less common retinal conditions to offer excellent ‘hands-on’ experience in examination of the eyes and the use of an ophthalmoscope.
Adult Airway Management Trainer with Stand
Life/form® Adult Airway Management Trainer with Stand
The Life/form® Adult Airway Management Trainer with Stand simulates a non-anesthetized patient for practicing intubation, ventilation, suction, and CPR techniques. Realistic anatomy and landmarks include teeth, tongue, oral and nasal pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, arytenoids, false cords, true vocal cords, trachea, lungs, esophagus, and stomach. The trainer allows you to practice oral, digital, and nasal intubation, as well as E.T., E.O.A., P.T.L., L.M.A., and Combitube® insertion. Suction techniques and proper cuff inflation may also be practiced and evaluated. Features durable, rugged, one-piece construction and bifurcated lungs.Adult Intraosseous Infusion Simulator
Life/form® Adult Intraosseous Infusion Simulator
Use to enhance training of intraosseous infusion procedures using B.I.G.™ and EZ-IO™ devices or almost any other intraosseous infusion devices available. The leg is fluid capable and a blood source is accessible through the injection site. Includes palpable landmarks, replaceable bones and skin, and a pressurized system to allow aspiration of fluid. Included with the simulator are 10 replaceable simulated bones, four replaceable skin pads, simulated blood, lubricating jelly, towels, I/O needle, and syringe with tubing.Advanced Infant Intubation Head with Board
Advanced Infant Intubation Head with Board
This station trainer incorporates new skin technology. The advantages of durability and lifelike appearance, in association with the convenience of a lightweight stand, put this device at the head of the class for pediatric airway training. This new material eliminates tearing of the airway, saving the need for costly repairs caused by beginning student intubation attempts. Translucent property allows for lifelike illumination of the airway and neck as the skill is attempted. Vocal cords are highlighted for easy viewing, the tongue swells, and all the anatomical landmarks are present.
Advanced OB Susie Childbirth Skills Trainer
Advanced OB Susie® - Childbirth Skills Trainer
The Advanced OB Susie® S500.200 is a versatile childbirth simulator designed to allow participants to appreciate the complete birthing experience from the onset of labor, through delivery, and postpartum care. The OB Susie simulator's lifelike features ensure participants can go hands-on and practice the skills needed to provide safe and effective patient care during routine and difficult deliveries, even high-risk low-frequency events like vertex or breech deliveries. Participants can use real equipment to practice vacuum or forceps assisted deliveries and control postpartum hemorrhage.Auscultation Trainer and Smartscope
Life/form® Auscultation Trainer and Smartscope
Heart and Lung Sounds - A major breakthrough in auscultation training!
Life/form® Ausculation Trainer and Smartscope Features:
Invisible Auscultation Sites
No Internal Speakers
Completely Wireless
Palpable Landmarks
Heart and Lung Sounds Vary at Different Sites
Remote Controlled
Hard Storage Case Included
The instructor selects from a menu of heart and lung conditions by wireless remote control. The Life/form® Ausculation Trainer and Smartscope Manikin presents itself as a real patient without visible auscultation sites. The student must palpate to identify correct auscultation locations, and will hear different heart and lung sounds as the Smartscope is moved to different locations on the manikin. A diagnosis of the condition selected by the instructor can be made by comparing the variations in sounds occurring at different sites. Just like a real patient!
Lung sounds can be detected at five anterior, 10 posterior, and two midaxillary locations. Students can practice auscultation at six anterior heart sites. The remote control does not have to be pointed directly at the manikin or SmartScope to operate. One remote control will operate multiple sets of SmartScopes and/or manikins simultaneously. Great for group instruction. Listen to the sounds by either using headpieces on SmartScope or by connecting to an amplifier/speaker (not included). Range on the unit is up to 100 feet of remote access.
The Life/form® Ausculation Trainer and Smartscope Includes:
One remote control with LCD display
One SmartScope with single and dual-user headpieces
Hard storage case
Two "AA" and two "AAA" batteries.
Birthing Stages Trainer
Birthing Stages Trainer
Trainees and students in midwifery and obstetrics can practice correctly assessing the progress of the birth by palpating, using the birth stages trainer. By practicing on the birth stages trainer, the standard of clinical practice in midwifery and obstetrics can be considerably improved.
The trainer consists of a set of 6 inserts that show the level of cervical dilation and effacing. The inserts can be used both as stand-alone trainers and as an extension module for birth simulator P90. The inserts look the same from the outside, but indicate, using a number code on the back, the condition of the cervix on the inside.
Chest Tube Trauma Manikin
Life/form® Chest Tube Trauma Manikin
Life/form® Chest Tube Manikin is designed specifically to teach the theory, anatomy, and skills needed to manage pre-hospital chest trauma, as well as ongoing chest tube maintenance. The right side of the manikin has two cut-away viewing areas to provide awareness of the anatomical relationships between the skin surface, musculature, ribs, and lungs. The left side has a pressurized tension pneumothorax site to relieve air that has accumulated within the pleural space and is restricting lung inflation. There is also a site where chest tubes may be surgically placed to treat pleural effusion by draining fluids from the pleural space. The fluid color, volume, and viscosity is controlled by the instructor. The Life/form® Chest Tube Manikin is perfect for teaching the concepts and mechanics of closed water-seal drainage systems like "Pleur-Evac" type units.Chester Chest™ Vascular Access Simulator With Port Access Arm
Chester Chest™ has been an industry standard since 1986 for the teaching of central line care. The right chest area of Chester Chest™ has a 9.6Fr tunneled central catheter that is visible up to the clavicle. The Dacron cuff on this catheter is also discernable. The external jugular vein is slightly raised with an opening to attach your own triple lumen catheter and there is also an opening in the upper chest area for placement of a subclavian catheter. These optional catheters are available from VATA, or if you prefer, you can send us the catheters your institution uses and we will install them at no charge.
Included with this model is a real port that makes it possible to simulate accessing the following IVAD placements: normal, “tipping”, “wandering”, or deeply placed in the left chest area. Successful access is confirmed by a blood return. Fluid can be infused and blood withdrawn from all the lines.